

  • June 5-30, 2023

  • Mondays - 1pm - 4pm

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - 1pm - 3pm

  • Fridays - Scheduled Individually


  • June 3-28, 2023

  • Times TBD


  • July 31-August 25, 2023

  • Times TBD

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  • June 5-30, 2023

  • Mondays - 1pm - 4pm

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - 1pm - 3pm

  • Fridays - Scheduled Individually


  • June 3-28, 2023

  • Times TBD


  • July 31-August 25, 2023

  • Times TBD


  • June 5-30, 2023

  • Mondays - 1pm - 4pm

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - 1pm - 3pm

  • Fridays - Scheduled Individually


  • June 3-28, 2023

  • Times TBD


  • July 31-August 25, 2023

  • Times TBD

All sessions will be video chat style over Discord (like a Zoom setting). Writing Labs MAY occur in person for those who work better in this format in the North Hollywood area. 

  • Mondays (3 hours) - Education, Inspiration, Motivation, Goal-Setting. These 3 hour blocks start with an educational presentation by Casey on different topics and move into a seminar style discussion where writers are encouraged to discuss this content as it applies to their manuscripts. We will set tangible, reasonable goals based on their availability and work style for each week. These sessions are designed to motivate and inspire each writer for the week ahead, igniting a spark and providing the creative fuel they’ll capitalize on through each writing week. 

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays (2 hours each) - Writing Labs. These sessions are silent coworking times dedicated to advancing each writer’s work. But they are also Office Hours! If a writer encounters a stumbling block or has a question, they can jump into a breakout room with Casey and work through it, in real time!

  • Fridays (30 minutes) - Recap & Prep - These 1:1 progress report style meetings with Casey go through what worked or didn’t work for each writer that week, where they are, if they met their goals, what next steps are, and more. These sessions provide an end cap to the week and help Casey guide the writer in a new direction, if necessary, to stay on course.

Week 1 - What’s your story? 

  • How to transform the idea in your head into the perfect topic-based book or memoir (and even make a case for the hybrid)

  • Understand the benefits of a variety of structures of non-fiction books so you can determine which structure feels like the perfect fit for you and your story

  • Learn how to hook your audience from the dust cover and lean into the best things about you and your story in a way that will keep them coming back for more throughout your book

Week 2 - Get your mind right

  • Prepare your mindset to undertake the transformation from your current self to the author you’re becoming

  • Acquire tools to combat that pesky old nemesis, Imposter Syndrome, as it rears its ugly head on your journey as a writer

  • Develop the shield of confidence you can rely on time after time to remind you (or anyone who asks) that you – and only you – are undeniably the right writer for this work

  • Learn ways to overcome writer’s block to get through it and keep the flow going

Week 3 - Wrap it up

  • Discover how to stop thinking “I’ve started it…now what” and get on with finishing it already

  • Learn how to develop cohesive throughlines and the nuance of highlighting themes

  • Become besties (or at least respected acquaintances) with the dreaded rewriting process

Week 4 - And then what?

  • Determine what you plan to do with your manuscript once you’ve finally brought it into the world 

  • We’ll talk publication (self-publishing and seeking publication through a publishing house)

  • Weigh the pros and cons of all that your chosen route entails

  • Lean into what makes you and your work unique and special so you can parlay that into marketing (whether you’re trying to appeal directly to an audience or to a publishing house)